Community Supported Agriculture


The Green Market’s Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program is the primary method for achieving our first objective: changing existing patterns of production and consumption.

The Green Market CSA programme is a community of producers and consumers. The families support the farmers through monthly subscriptions paid in advance, which allows the farmers to plan and plant the healthier, fresher food that the families want.

The CSA is an ongoing learning experience for farmers and families. The direct connection between farmers, growers and the people who eat the food provides the education and knowledge that is the foundation for improving our food supply, our health and our environment. 

Our CSA, which will have its first anniversary in October 2015 is still small. We want to grow this program so we need more farmers moving towards an organic standard and we need more families interested in eating locally produced food without the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.

If you're interested in participating in the CSA or are a local farmer, click below. Also contact us at 221-9116 or email us at